Tuesday, July 17, 2012

I'm on a boat!

We spent a couple days at Grandma and Grandpa Thompson's house over the fourth of July.  Dad had to go back to Milwaukee and work on Thursday and Friday so Isaac and I hung out in Madison.  Grandpa took Isaac on his first boat ride!  We figured that Isaac would hate the life jacket and therefore the boat ride was going to be rather short.  However, he did not fuss or even move a muscle once we put the life jacket on.  Perhaps, it was because he physically could not move once the life jacket was on.  I laid him on the back of the boat as it seemed more comfortable for him than trying to sit with the jacket on.  He was asleep within 30 seconds and slept the entire one and a half hour boat ride.  He is certainly like me in that regard! 

Our friends Sally and Dakota came over to visit.  Dakota is eight months old in these pictures.  Isaac seems to be just about the same size as him but Isaac certainly feels quite a bit heavier.  It was fun to watch them interact!




  1. He's got his swim trunks and his flippy floppies.

  2. Oh my goodness!!! Just saw this post! Love everything about it:) and yes that is so you to fall asleep during the boat ride! Ha:)

