Monday, October 28, 2013

Miss Evelyn Turns One!

Miss Evelyn is one!  We had so much fun celebrating with all the cousins, Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents and Great Grandparents.  It was very special to have everyone together.  All the kids are getting so big!  After the weekend of celebrating, Isaac kept repeating Gigi, G-Pa, Gigi Pa (not sure why he started saying this).
G-Pa is silly.

All the kids want the presents.

Tea with Uncle P

Family dinner at the little table
An attempt at a grandchildren picture with Great-Grandma Gore.
This is the best we got with this camera.

Happy Birthday Papa and Great Grandpa

We celebrated Grandpa and Great Grandpa's birthday.  Isaac thought it was pretty cool that he got to help unwrap the birthday presents.  I attempted to teach Isaac how to say Happy Birthday Papa but instead, he just kept saying Happy Papa.  I guess that works. 


Saturday, October 5, 2013

Pumpkin Farm with Mimi and Pa

Mimi and Pa joined us for Halloween fun today.  We went on a hay ride through the woods to the pumpkin patch where we could pick our own pumpkins.  Isaac enjoyed the tractor that pulled the trailer along with the hay that we sat on.  He picked his own pumpkin and rode in the wagon to take the pumpkins to our cars.  We also went through part of the corn maze and played on the John Deere trackers and rocking horses.  It was a fun-filled Saturday but Isaac was certainly ready for a nap after lunch with Mimi and Pa. 

Can you find Pa and Isaac?


Busy at school.

The hay ride driver asked if Isaac wanted to help open the gate.  Of course, Isaac said "yeah!"

Which pumpkin should we pick?

Found one!

Just hanging with Mimi and our pumpkins.

What do you think Isaac is thinking in this picture?

Three pumpkins to take home and carve!

Wagon ride with Pa and Mimi.

Mimi bought Isaac a new pumpkin book and shirt.  He is one lucky boy.

Here is a picture from last year!