Friday, July 20, 2012

Half way to one!

Whenever I take Isaac's picture for his "month" milestone, I really only intend to post one picture.  However, I feel like I end up posting so many because they really show his personality and expressions. 

I am excited and a little sad that he is already six months old.  I absolutely love this age but I kind of want him to stay a baby.  He has just started sleeping on his tummy, his toes are his favorite toy, he is getting much better at sitting up on his own, he is so cuddly, he is going down for naps in his crib with little to no crying and he gets so excited to see people.  There is nothing better than going in his room after his nap and seeing the smile on his face. 

Isaac went to the doctor this week and he was 16 lbs 10 oz (35th percentile) and 26 inches tall (50th percentile).

Anyway, here are a few pictures of the six month old. 

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