Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Scooting at seven months old?

It is hard to believe that Isaac is already seven months old.  It is getting progressively more difficult to take his picture as he loves to grab the sign and eat it.  As you will be able to see, it was quite an eventful photo session. 

Isaac can now sit on his own and play with toys.  I see why people always say that this is a fun age.  He can entertain himself but I know that he will not go anywhere if I walk into the other room for a second.  He would often tip/roll onto his stomach from a seated position but that was the extent of his movement.  Until Sunday, when he figured out that he could scoot (army crawl).  He is not very fast but he can certainly get from one point to another.  I added a video at the end to capture his scooting.

He still doesn't have any teeth or say any words but I am sure those are next to come.  It seems like he has been teething since he was three months old but still no teeth. 

Alex and I spent the night away from Isaac for the first time a few weeks ago to celebrate our anniversary.  We certainly missed the little guy but it was very nice to have some time with each other.  It is amazing just how much our life is now centered around Isaac!!!  We would not change a thing.   

He took the sign before we even started.

I resorted to holding the sign away from him while taking the picture.  Apparently, he thought he could still get to it.

Don't fall.

He rolled onto his bear and then posed as if he was modeling.  Nice midriff!


Another interesting model pose.

He is so done with this photo shoot.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Play date and race

We had a play date with a few of my coworkers and their kids.  The little girls are both older and lighter than Isaac.  What a surprise?  Addison is almost nine months old and Sylvie is one week older than Isaac.  It was fun watching Addie crawl and get around while the other two tried to master sitting.  It is amazing what a few months can do.

Addie, Sylvie and Isaac

My work hosts a walk and run that is a competition between the home office employees (roots) and the insurance agents (wings).  We did the walk with Isaac!  It was a beautiful but hot morning.

The sausages were there for the warm-up.

Early morning stretch

The runners along the lake

Just chillin'

Messy Eater

We have been experimenting with different foods.  So far, Isaac has been willing to eat everything but it may have taken a few tries.  He has had avocado, sweet potato, green beans, bananas, apples and cereal.  He will get carrots next!  Sometimes I feel like he gets more on his face and bib than in his mouth but I am sure his weight and chunkiness will prove otherwise. 

This doesn't taste like milk.

Trying to eat and bite his finger at the same time.

Isaac thinks it is funny when his Dad feeds him.