Sunday, January 18, 2015

Five Months!

Ethan is already five months old.  His personality is really starting to come out.  He started rolling from back to front right around five months of age.  When he flips onto his stomach, he pushes up and can move himself completely off of the blanket or activity mat.  Ethan is still trying to figure out the whole sleeping thing which means Mom is not getting much consecutive sleep these days.  If someone would hold his pacifier in all night, I am fairly certain he would sleep all night.  Instead, I am still getting up a few times a night to either feed him or put his pacifier back in.  Sleep training may be in our near future.  

Other than his night sleeping, Ethan is an easy baby.  He loves to watch his brother and chew on teething toys.  His schedule is getting more predictable in that he takes one or two naps in the morning and then a long 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon.  I can usually get an hour or two in the afternoon that both boys are sleeping!!!

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