Saturday, August 15, 2015

11 Months

Just a few pictures at 11 months!

The Big One Year Old

Ethan is already one!  I always think the baby phase is going to last forever but then the first birthday quickly approaches.  It is so fun to watch him learn and grow on a daily basis.  Ethan is walking and starting to identify words for different items.  Here is a recap of Ethan at one year of age: 

1. walking - can stand up without assistance in the middle of the room, carry toys, turn around and change directions
2. takes two naps between 1-2 hours each
3. can say ma-ma, da-da, buckle and kitty
4. signs more, waves good-bye, blows kisses, claps
5. climbs on everything (small chairs, cars, vacuum)
6. eats pretty much anything you give him
7. just started whole milk but still drinks mostly breast milk
8. sleeps from 7:30 pm - 6 am
9. loves sleeping with his little giraffe blanket

We celebrated Ethan's birthday a few weekends ago.  He did not have much interest in opening presents but he probably would have eaten cake all night if I would have let him.  Here are a few pictures of the big guy. 

Isaac wanted to be in the picture too.  Check out the yellow block closest to Ethan. 

Yellow block dropped on Isaac's head.  Perhaps, he will think twice before trying to touch Ethan's blocks and get in the pictures.  Ethan has a pretty tough personality and he certainly does not back down. He is going to be a strong, little brother. He is definitely more physical and coordinated than Isaac was at this age.

I win.  King of the mountain!